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  • Is Consult 2 Code Accredited?
    Consult2Code is accredited by the Better Business Bureau and licensed by the American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC)
  • How long does medical and billing classes take?
    The CPC curriculum course is 80 hours of coursework. Class meets two evenings a week and lasts for five months.
  • What classes are required for medical billing and coding?
    There are no pre-requisites.
  • Is the CPC exam difficult?
    The exam is challenging but passable. To pass the AAPC's CPC exam you must score 70% of 150 questions. You may miss 45 questions. The test isn't about memorization, it's about knowing how to find the best answer. If you were to fail the exam, you have the opportunity to re-take it.
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